Thursday, November 7, 2013

5 DIY, Natural Skin Tips That WORK

Skin maintenance can get expensive and become a task. Here are 5 things that work, that will help you achieve perfect glowing skin. Not to mention, they're inexpensive and yield lasting results. 

1. Exfoliate- Mix the juice of one half of a lemon with 1/2 a cup of brown sugar.  Mix together until it is gritty and the consistency you desire. Doing this twice a week, will help you maintain optimal results.

2. The most important thing to skin care is finding a mild cleanser that doesn't strip your body of natural oils and throw off your ph balance. One of the mildest and most effective cleansers you can use for your face is none other than, baby wash. It can be any
brand, just avoid the scented variety. Get the original for  best results.

3. Toner- There are many of things you can use a toner. One that I always find success with is mixing pure witch hazel with essential orange oil. It tones your face and smells great. Use after cleansing your face, to see the best and glowing results. You can't go wrong with this method.

4. Moisturizing- I am sure you have all seen or heard many uses of Coconut Oil. Well, this is thee best, hands down moisturizer you will ever put on your face. Give it a try and you won't be disappointed.

5. The last thing is more internal. It is my special detox drink that gets you glowing skin and also, helps your body internally. It is simple. 1 cup of boiling water, mixed with 1 tbsp of lemon juice, one dash of cayenne pepper and a generous dash of cinnamon. Drink this every morning and your skin will be perfectly flawless within the first week or two of doing this.

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